Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Confessions of a tripaholic

It's almost the weekend! Another exciting trip coming up, this time to Durango. There is so much to do! Of course, I've been in planning mode for about a week - which may SOUND anal, but since I normally have a binder filled with detailed itineraries (general for the trip and individual for the days) months prior, its pretty much the most relaxed I've ever approached a trip.

I even told Jason I didn't know if I WOULD create an itinerary (which was kind of a lie given that I have already memorized my preliminary mental itinerary, along with pertinent details. I'm not THAT relaxed!) There just may not be a physical one this time.

But there had to be a binder. I know, I have a problem! But what if there is some information we NEED!!! The info binder contains all the confirmations/descriptions/contact information - and sometimes backup maps - that make for a seamless trip! I'm just saying. And everyone needs to have contextual information about the places they visit, right? Right?

*Sigh.* Well, there is still much to do before we go. The house is in its perennial state of domicile composting, and with my ever-growing list of "things I want to get done but likely have no chance of achieving," I hope something gets done. A glimpse inside my to-do list for today:
  • buy books on tape for the road trip (Harry Potter, fingers crossed, to complement our 3 hr Glenn Beck commentary)
  • get a haircut (I told Jason I was getting the Gosselin!)
  • create a goat cheese/heirloom tomato tart Ina would be proud of
  • whip up a batch of cream cheese brownies (part box, part homemade - I'm only human!)
  • roll out the dough for/compose lemon curd tartlets with a little berry on top (strawberry? blackberry? raspberry? TBD..)
  • slice up cheese, sausages, and bread for the picnic
  • assemble Italian BLTs (focaccia, mozzarella, basil, heirloom tomatoes, EVOO, and crispy proscuitto)
  • pack Gizzy for camp (food/toys)
  • wash at least two sets of clothes (jeans, darks?? Whites and middles may have to suffer...)
  • take fermenting dishes we stuffed into the dishwasher so visitors would THINK we are clean out of the dishwasher, give proper bath/scrape, then reload dishwasher
  • find bed, collapse into
*PHEW* I'm hoping to get at least one or two items done. If I'm feeling honest, tomorrow I'll let you know what gets done!

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